Living In The End / Reader Submissions

Dare to Dream Bigger Than the Best You Know, and Don’t Accept Anything Less

In this post I’m going to be referencing the success story of the doctor and his wife in Neville Goddard’s book, ‘The Law and the Promise’ – Chapter 2: Dwell Therein. This is one of my favorite stories because it shows how there is nothing we need to do to get our desires but live as though we already have them, and still we will get exactly what we want.

This success story is about a couple who had a desire to build a rental apartment building on top of a lot they owned, but did not want to use any of their own funds to do so, as they only had a personal savings that they wanted to keep.

“One day, while talking together of our building, my wife mentioned a contractor who had constructed several apartment houses in our neighborhood. We knew of him only by the name that appeared on signs adjacent to buildings under construction. But realizing that if we were living in the end, we would not be looking for a contractor, we promptly forgot this angle. Continuing these periods of daily imagining for several weeks, we both felt we were now ‘fused’ with our desire and had successfully been living in the end.”

Sometimes while thinking about our desires, we try to manipulate the how or try to do something we think will help us get to our desired end result. However, we are told that there is nothing we need to do to get what we want. Meaning, we don’t need to come up with the way, the how, the means to the end. All we need to do is live in the end, as if what we want has ALREADY happened. Why would we need to do anything if we already have what we desired? What else is there to do? Nothing, but to live in our desired reality and enjoy it!

“One day a stranger entered our office and identified himself as the contractor whose name my wife had mentioned weeks before. In an apologetic manner, he said, ‘I don’t know why I stopped here. I normally don’t go to see people, but rather, people come to see me’. A few days later this man called, informing us that plans were completed and that the proposed building would cost us thirty thousand dollars! We thanked him politely and did absolutely nothing. Days later, the contractor again called with the news that he had located a finance company willing to cover the necessary loan with the exception of a few thousand dollars. It sounds incredible, but we still did nothing. For — remember — to us this building was completed and rented, and in our imagination we had not put one penny into its construction.”

Sometimes we start to see movement in our manifestations and we get excited, rightly so! But remember what you saw in your imagination- you already having your desire. Therefore, you should never accept anything as fact that isn’t your full and complete desire. So when you finally hear from your SP or the job you really wanted, but you don’t get the response you were hoping for, don’t start to worry and doubt! If what you are hearing does not align with what you imagined, then that is NOT your completed manifestation! Keep going, keep living in the end so as not to keep delaying your desire by doubting or questioning what you “did wrong.” You didn’t do anything wrong, you just need to keep going!

“The contractor came to our office the next day and said, as though presenting us with a gift, ‘You people are going to have that new building anyway. I’ve decided to finance the balance of the loan myself. If this is agreeable, I’ll have my lawyer draw up the papers, and you can pay me back out of net profits from rentals’.”

This couple got exactly what they wanted, in the quickest way possible, because they did not accept anything that didn’t align with what they saw in their imagination. This is also known as ‘ignoring your current reality/circumstances’. By doing absolutely nothing besides remaining faithful to their fulfilled desire, the outside world was moved to literally hand them what they had imagined weeks prior. They could have had what seemed like their desire sooner, but because it wasn’t exactly what they had imagined; they didn’t accept it at first glance and were better off in the end. They didn’t lose anything by rejecting the ‘almost manifestation’, only gained by persisting in living in the end.

If you would just persist in living in the end of your desire and accept nothing that isn’t exactly that as fact, you will see that eventually, by doing nothing that isn’t natural to you, you will get exactly what you want in the quickest and easiest way possible.

About The Author

“Stephanie is an abstract artist, photographer, yogi, and plant enthusiast living in Brooklyn, NY. She only has one rule in life: always leave things better than you found them, including people.”


  • Darlene C Brown
    May 9, 2020 at 3:28 PM

    So inspiring! I’m in love with this website! I have been living in the end of what’s already mine and watching things shift before my eyes has been so amazing! We are truly our assumptions! Just when I stopped feeling like I had to do anything in particular is when things started to move! Being still in face of everything is the answer!

    Thanks so much for this.

  • Vysakh saroja
    May 15, 2020 at 4:51 AM

    In this case there are two persons. How two persons can think and manifest in the same reality? In my reality i am the only person, who has freewill. Anyway lets take this as one of them manifested that desire. Or does the other one experiencing the same reality? Someone please tell me..

  • Soma Barua
    May 19, 2020 at 6:16 AM

    Thank you for reminding us of this truth

  • Julia Malykhina
    June 18, 2020 at 1:53 PM

    What a story indeed! Thank you for a great reminder, Stephanie.


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