Metaphysical Solipsism is the idea that we only know the contents of our own individual experience, that the subjective lens through which we see the world is inescapable and we cannot access anything outside of it. So for example, you and I can both look at the sky and agree that it’s blue, but how do we both know that what we see as “blue” is the same thing? This is the basis of solipsism, and unless you do believe in an objective reality that we can all be sure we are experiencing in the same way (which many scientists do!), then your views are already on the solipsistic spectrum.I think it’s important to understand solipsism as a spectrum because there are varying degrees to how extreme it can be. For example, on the basic level (“I can only know the contents of my consciousness at any given time”) and then an extreme level (“literally nothing and nobody exists outside of myself”). Where we sit on this spectrum depends on our level of awareness in this very moment.Have you ever read a groundbreaking book again after reading it for the first time, and read it in a completely different way, gaining new insight that you didn’t get the first time? This is because your consciousness is always expanding, your awareness is never fixed. The way you read the book the first time served you, and the way you read it the second time served you even more. So when it comes to solipsism (and anything else) how we understand and apply it at any given moment is dictated by the level of awareness we are at.
This is why Neville’s work can conform to many degrees of solipsistic perspective, because you are only reading it through the lens of your awareness and the teachings will therefore conform to this — which in itself is solipsism at work!
So it is not that the teachings are contradictory, or that the dominant voices in our community are opposing each other, it is that they are catering to different levels of awareness. Want to know where your awareness is currently at? Easy! Look at all of the different teachers and mentors in our community and see which one resonates with you the most. That is where your awareness is at. And again, because your awareness is constantly expanding, where you were a year ago is likely not where you are at now, you now may resonate with different schools of thought, and that is normal. In fact, it is a good thing. It is exactly what is meant to happen. There are no mistakes, because Source wants us to expand so that it can experience everything through us. Where you were one year ago was simply one level of consciousness, but consciousness expands forever.
My Stance on Solipsism
So now I’m going to tell you where I sit on this spectrum. I believe in solipsism to the degree that I am navigating the world through my own individual consciousness, but I also believe that my consciousness is only an offshoot of the wider Consciousness, which we are all connected to. I believe that we are a collective.If I was an extreme solipsist, I wouldn’t even be writing this article, because I wouldn’t believe that there were people outside of me that would be reading it. I would simply use Neville’s work to my own advantage and see everyone else as a puppet that I pull the strings for. This would make total sense and it wouldn’t even necessarily be selfish, because if there was literally no one outside of me, then overly concerning myself with other people would actually be a waste of time.However, I don’t believe this. For me, the idea that no one exists outside of me means that there is no separation. No one exists outside of me because we are all from the same Source. The Source Consciousness that animates me is also animating you, so we are divinely connected. I do believe that you literally and physically exist outside of me, and that the divine in me recognises the divine in you. I also think that Neville couldn’t have been an extreme solipsist either! Not when he wrote prolifically, spoke at countless lectures, and imagined lovingly on the behalf of others. If Neville truly believed that no one existed outside of himself, he would not have lived a life of service in the first place.So here is how I personally understand and apply the knowledge that Consciousness is the only reality.
Firstly, I agree that Consciousness is the one true reality, because the physical world is merely the outer expression of it. When the physical world ceases to exist, Consciousness remains, therefore it is the only reality. This is the bigger picture (macro level), and Neville says this many times, but he also talks about what this means on a smaller, individual level (micro level).Whilst Source Consciousness is the wider, infinite consciousness, there is also our own consciousness as an individual, which is still Source, but on a limited scale. This is because we are Source, but looking through human eyes as well as the eye of God. In this lifetime we see the human perspective, and this is what Source wants, or else you wouldn’t have incarnated as a human. I know this concept is little confusing, so the way I visualise it is that Source/God is consciousness on the Macro scale, and that my human consciousness is the same thing, but on the Micro scale. During my life I will experience the micro version of consciousness but when I die, I will be one with all that is. So there is Consciousness (with the capital “C”) and then there is our individual consciousness (with a lowercase “c”).Neville explains that our individual micro-level consciousness is all there is to us, because we see the world through the lens of our own subjectivity:
“The corner-stone on which all things are based is mans concept of himself. He acts as he does, and has the experiences that he does, because his concept of himself is what it is, and for no other reason. Had he a different concept of himself, he would act differently and have different experiences.”
When Neville says that our consciousness is all there is, I don’t believe that he is meaning this in a literal manner. I believe he is saying that the world we see around us conforms to our level of consciousness and our own self concept, and once those things expand, the world around us changes with it. I don’t believe that he is saying that nothing literally exists outside of us. It is simply that your awareness is what illuminates what is in front of you, and what is outside that is in darkness, not because it doesn’t exist, but because you aren’t aware of it yet.So for example, I like to imagine this as if I’m driving my car on a dark road at night with no street lighting. All I can see in front of me is what my headlights are illuminating, which happens to be only a small part of the road ahead. There is a landscape outside of the glow of my headlights, but I can’t see it yet, because it is in darkness. If I switched to my fog lights, suddenly parts of this landscape would come into view. Our awareness works in the same way — it is not that nothing exists literally on the outside, because all exists and all is happening all at once, creation is already finished, but how much of that you see is dependent on what your awareness is illuminating at the time. Neville says this in a very beautiful way, he describes the physical as “the visible objective world which constantly bears witness of that which I am conscious of being.”
In all of my experience of conscious creation, I now understand that manifestation is not us creating something from nothing, but a process of bringing what is in darkness into the light. This is why creation is already finished — because everything exists already but lies in the darkness of the Unmanifested. Only our attention, whether conscious or unconscious, brings it into the physical.To me, the idea that “no one exists outside of you” doesn’t mean that other people literally aren’t there, it means that we are all connected, that no one is separate, that others are not outside of myself because we all share the same Consciousness and are all part of one mind. And I know in our community this phrase is often understood in a literal sense, the idea that literally no one exists, that if you fell unconscious then the whole world would cease to exist. This makes sense if you think that you, on the ego level, are the one that animates the whole world. I don’t believe that Neville was saying this — I believe that when Neville said “you”, he meant you as God, not you as a human.
If you fell unconscious, if you were under anaesthesia, yes, the world would cease to exist from your perspective because you are literally unconscious for that period of time, but it still exists physically and it is there waiting for you when you wake up. This is because it is Source consciousness that is animating everything, not you, not your ego self, so when you die as a human you don’t take the whole world with you because only your human body died. Source, however, remained the same, because it is eternal and it can’t be destroyed. Source continues to animate everything long after your physical body has dissolved, long after planet Earth disintegrates. Again, Consciousness, is the one true reality. It is all there is. There is the one Source consciousness, and then there is the limited expression of it, you and I. We are Source inhabiting the human costume, and because of this, we have an extra understanding: we are Source, but we are also the Ego self that it is animating. The Ego is only an issue if we see it as the totality of who we are, but when we understand it as an expression of Source, it’s no longer a problem.Neville also illustrates this using another example. He says:
“If I now become detached in consciousness from this room by turning my attention away from it, then, I am no longer conscious of it. There is something in me that devours it within me. It can only live within my objective world if I keep it alive within my consciousness.”
Here, I don’t believe that Neville is saying that if he stops focusing on the room is he in, that it suddenly disappears from existence. I believe that he is saying that if he shifts his consciousness away from the lecture theatre he is stood in and puts his attention within himself, the room no longer dominates his awareness and he is instead grounded in his own bodily experience. The physical circumstances he is in are no longer playing a role in his state of being, because he is intentionally choosing his state himself. This is a very powerful technique, and I believe that many high performers such as olympic athletes and Oscar winning actors utilise this.So the idea that the world would literally die with you if you died, or that other people don’t exist, that they literally aren’t real, for me is coming from a level of consciousness that can be somewhat fear based. This is just my perspective. I think that the idea that other people aren’t real, that they are just a projection or a puppet that we can control, is a false form of protection for the fear that we can’t have what we want any other way.In my relationship, I believe that my partner is their own person. I believe that if I react from old stories and wounds, and box them in by having an unlovely perspective of them, then that is what I will see. If I am willing to allow myself to be vulnerable and to drop any victim mentality I might have, to not blame them for my own feelings and to hold them only in high regard, then they will flourish in my consciousness.
For me, loving someone means seeing who they truly are beyond form, even in moments of conflict and misunderstanding, even when they are hurt or angry and acting out. It also means holding space within myself when I act out too. This is not to say that I’m perfect and never react, because this is something I am always working on, but it is my priority to see my loved ones this way because I know that there is no separation between us. Source is also animating them. They too, are God.In my experience of learning and testing these teachings daily, I believe that our relationships with others are formed, not because we are the puppet master pulling their strings, but because they are our mirror.The whole vast world is you, pushed out. What is “pushed out”?A reflection. The whole world is reflecting back to you the contents of your consciousness. It is bringing to your attention what is currently in the realm of your awareness. If you are in fear and lack, you will see this reflected back. If you are in love and abundance, you will also see this reflected back. The mirror does not discriminate what it reflects back to you, it goes only off your state and the self-concept that you carry. In order to change your reflection, you first must change yourself.
October 15, 2020 at 5:07 PMI loved your article Kriston and had intended the other day that I would receive information to help me feel better psychologically. As I’ve been a student for the last couple years, but I feel like it’s really affected me in a very severe way psychologically at times. What you wrote resonates with me and I do feel much better.
The thought of it only being me, or if I go down another street, that the previous street isn’t there any more because I’m not on it, it really messes with me.
I know most people focus on how to manifest things, but I do hope that there can be more stories on how to handle this all when you find out, emotionally, psychologically, etc. Thanks again and I know I was meant to read this today!
October 16, 2020 at 3:43 AMHi Kriston,
I appreciate your perspective and reflections. I felt called to comment because trying to understand what “everyone is you pushed out” really means has been the most confusing and unclear to me in my journey, both here and in general while studying Neville. I feel confused by the concepts you shared here because in other articles on the website written by Jenn and Amy, they shared very different perspectives. I’m going to share 4 of their quotes, the first 3 authored by Jenn and the last one by Amy:
“The free will of others to act separate from you, or that they are outside of your own consciousness, doing their own thing, is an illusion. An objective reality (a universe or life separate from you and outside of your consciousness) is false.”
“Again, you can believe that there are other people out there doing their own thing, and you are going to generate the illusion of that. You’ll start to see evidence of people doing things that seems so solid and separate from you, and instead of understanding it isn’t real, you’ll probably panic, react, and question things.”
This is why when it comes to third party situations, I usually tell people that you do not need to be fearful of anything. There is no one doing anything with anyone, or being with them, outside of you.”
“There is no one else, but YOU” – “Isn’t it wonderful when you recognize your creations and know that this world is only a shadow, and that the only real being is you?”
From what I understand of these quotes, it’s basically saying that there is no objective reality or others doing things outside of my consciousness (similar to a dream, where other characters exist but only in my head.) From what you’re saying, it sounds like you believe in an objective reality and others doing separate things, but all being connected on a larger level.
I hope that you and/or Jenn might take a moment to comment on this because it’s something that I’ve tried really hard to understand. I imagine that it’s the same for many others. Thank you so much for your insights!
October 16, 2020 at 9:51 AMYes, exactly. But it seems like Jennifer has changed her opinion and agrees with Kriston.
October 17, 2020 at 12:36 AMThe human ego doesn’t exist. This means that what you call “I” and “ME” does not exist. It also means what you “YOU” or “THEY” doesn’t exist. There are no “other” people in the external world because there is no ego. We are all the same person. It doesn’t mean “THEY don’t exist but I exist”. It means that “No one exists, including me.”. This is what the Neville community got wrong. They thought “I exist but no one else exists” when really it is “No one exists….. not even ME”. The truth is that there are 1 billion physical bodies but only 1 spirit. The 1 spirit is moving all 1 billion physical bodies.
Heather Falenski
October 17, 2020 at 10:47 AMAlong those same lines, the 1 billion physical bodies don’t exist either. Waveforms collapse into particles when observed, so unless all 1 billion bodies are observed together, they exist as a potentiality. That’s why I personally don’t believe in an objective reality because we are not moving along a linear line of time. We’re between parallel realities like a flip book, as Jennifer often says, and can only ever see the contents of our consciousness much like a dream. Interesting stuff.
October 17, 2020 at 12:49 AMWhat the Neville Goddard community got wrong is thinking “The ego is God”. This is why it is good to have a firm grasp of Non-Duality while studying Neville’s work. Because if you don’t understand Non-Duality, you will stumble into the “Ego is God” way of thinking. Non-Duality teaches that the ego is an illusion and it teaches you how to see past the tricks and sneaky nature of ego. Misunderstanding what the human ego is —– is the cause of 90% of manifestation delays. I think Non-Duality needs to be integrated into more Neville Goddard teachings because misunderstanding what the human ego is, is delaying people’s manifestations.
Kriston Jackson
October 27, 2020 at 11:17 AMI agree! 🙂
Kriston Jackson
October 27, 2020 at 11:25 AMHeather –
So I am not saying there is no objective reality. I believe that reality is subjective. This is why I said that you and I can both look at the sky and agree that it’s blue, but we can’t confirm that what we both see as “blue” is the same thing. In this way, reality can appear objective, but it’s only ever understood through our own subjective lens. My view is ALSO solipsistic, but not to an extreme.
So for me, the quotes you posted don’t feel like they are in opposition to anything I believe, because again, we all understand this through our own subjectivity. My understanding and interpretation is that yes, people do conform to the role we set for them – because we are seeing them through our own subjectivity. I believe that outer circumstances and other people are an illusion because their change with our perception, not because they LITERALLY are not real.
Now, some people do believe that other people are literally not real, and that’s fine. My advice would be if you resonate more with that, then go in that direction. Anything that you read or watch from a coach or teacher is only ever THEIR understanding – it either resonates with you or it doesn’t. Listen to your own intuition 🙂 <3
Debakee Soma Barua
October 16, 2020 at 5:51 AMHi agree with Heather. This is a different perspective to the article written by Jenn which I always refer to when keeping my mental diet in check. So does that mean the previous articles on Everyone is You Pushed out are incorrect?
October 16, 2020 at 2:27 PMYes, we’d like official clarification on that, if the previous articles are incorrect.
October 16, 2020 at 6:53 PMSame, Debakee! The whole basis of my manifestations surrounded the idea that no one has free will in my reality and that everything in the “vast universe” as Neville called it was created by my assumptions and isn’t “real.” Here’s the issue that I have been having when I try to put this all together: if there is an objective reality, that means that there are things happening outside of my conscious awareness, which again would imply that there are multiple consciousnesses at work, or at least a single consciousness that’s fractured into pieces (human beings) that are not fully aware of each other.
In a practical sense, I wonder — how can no one have free will in my reality if others are out there living in their reality as their own gods/goddesses and I am intersecting with their reality in day-to-day interactions (i.e. – we have some things in common in a shared reality)? We all know that we can manifest things with our ego out of alignment with our higher selves, so wouldn’t that lead to potential contradictory manifestations if my ego self wants something different than someone else’s ego self? And if this desire (for the same person, for a different outcome, etc.) exists in our shared reality, then whose ego manifestation wins?
November 9, 2020 at 3:10 PMThis is exactly what I’m thinking and now why I’m so confused. I honestly feel so defeated trying to wrap my brain around something to make sense. Would you be interested in creating a whatsapp group, reddit, or something similar to share our perspectives or offer eachother help along the way? 🙂
October 16, 2020 at 9:49 AMCan’t wait to read Jennifers article on this subject.
October 17, 2020 at 8:17 AMHow is it possible that every version of a person exists in my reality then? It totally contradicts all of the other articles previously written about everyone is you pushed out. Do you want to say that people don’t have their own realities and there is just one, and that universe isn’t created by me, and that I don’t manifest everything in my world every second? I’m just feeling confused after reading this.. I totally get that the point of view might change but that is a drastic one.
October 17, 2020 at 5:13 PMThis explanation is wonderful, this really resonates with me. I love both you and Jens articles, both of you have helped me a great deal. Thanks 🙂
Debakee Soma Barua
October 26, 2020 at 9:36 AMI notice neither Kriston ror Jen have replied. Although beautifully written I feel it contradicts not only the Everyone Is You Pushed out articles but also many other articles on this blog. I would like clarification as to whether the way they see reality has changed and how this now relates to Specific person manifestation.
Jennifer Ramdeo
October 26, 2020 at 3:16 PMHi Debakee!
Thank you for commenting. My views in my first article a year ago is not invalid, hence why I have kept it up, because that perspective has manifested wonderful things for me. I have announced on our social media that I am writing an updated EIYPO article, as well as doing a podcast with Kriston on our new perspective. However, our new perspective does not invalidate manifesting an SP, we personally feel it speeds up the process and sees things in a much clearer way. My new way of viewing things is not much different from the original article, the only thing I do not believe in anymore is me being the only human that exists. Everything else is the same. We understand how you feel, but we do hope you will check out our new article/podcast when it is released. Either way, thank you for supporting us <3
Kriston Jackson
October 27, 2020 at 11:15 AMHi lovely, I am sorry for the delay in replying to you, I was unaware there were new comments on this post. My simple answer to you is this – if my article doesn’t resonate with you but the other ones on this blog do, disregard mine and read the ones that work for you. <3
November 3, 2020 at 3:40 PMCould it be that I manifested Jennifer to change her perspective in my reality, perhaps there is a reality where Jennifer has never changed her perspective at all and still goes by what she says in the original EIYPO article.
Jennifer Ramdeo
November 4, 2020 at 2:37 PMHi Katie!
My perspective has not changed much from the first article. The only thing I have shifted my perspective on is no other human existing or being real. I still believe in everything else, just more in depth and in a more connected way. I will be writing an article on it soon. Thank you for supporting 🙂 <3
November 9, 2020 at 12:28 PMAs much as I really, really want to understand, if I am god, but so is everyone else, then why would they conform to by beliefs? I see evidence of EIYPO all the time, I see how people are acting in my assumptions, but I also see things that I strongly assume or others strongly assuming, occurring opposite. For instance, my dad, who is a body builder and is constantly watching his protein intake, took on a vegan lifestyle. He started eating pinto and black beans like crazy, as a substitute for meat, and he was (in my opinion and probably his too) completely in belief that these beans were great protein for him and a perfect substitute. Then later, after gaining unexpected weight, he looked at the canned beans and found out that they also had a lot of carbs, and he had to start eating them in a completely different way, only in the morning or before a workout. So how does this work? He assumed and believed but the 3D reflected the opposite. Can I choose a version of beans that does not contain carbohydrates? And that will appear in my 3D? Because isn’t that just how beans are? How did the beans have carbs in the first place? Because I really didn’t know, I had never looks at the nutrition facts. It’s not that I don’t want to understand or be open minded, I do want to understand and I am keeping an open mind. You and Jennifer have said your ideas on EIYPO have changed slightly in that you now believe you aren’t the only humans to exist. I agree and believe this too:)) I have read almost every article on here, and I love everything you are doing so much. I appreciate you guys so so much. Thank you. I guess I’m just unclear as to, if everyone else is also god in their own way, we are all beings in human form interacting yes? So then how is it that you can choose new versions? Is it only for your reality. Maybe that person isn’t who they are to you in their own reality and experience? So if I want my sp back, and my sp is a god in himself just as I am, then how can my concept of him change my 3D perception? I’ve read the articles, I know I need to accept the new version, know that it is a promise and that it is done. But do you have any insight into how this works?
December 2, 2020 at 11:11 AMHi, I am really enjoying the articles on this blog. I am still relatively new to Loa and Neville Goddard but have been consuming a lot of information about all of this. Indeed it seems that the whole Eiypo concept is quite a tough one, especially with so many different point of views about it. I very much resonated with many of the articles on this blog but this one does seem to negate many of the previous ones.
Though I myself am still learning, the perspective I seem to be most comfortable with is that I am the only consciousness in my reality (whatever that may be) and therefore the only operant power. Other ppl do exist and I do interact with them, but in my reality, they conform to my thinking and beliefs of them and the world. Without this being the case, I cannot wrap my head around the whole manifesting idea in the first place. Like some other commenters have said, if every one is also manifesting than why is it possible that my manifestations can occur? Because surely if everyone has their own consciousnes and is an operant power in a joined reality, than surely many conflicting manifestations would happen and it would seem very difficult if not impossible for me or any one else to manifest anything at all (especially when talking about an Sp, as they would be manifesting all sorts of things on their own).
I think I personally lean most to the idea that we all have our own personal reality. So in my own personal reality I am the only operant power. This would make manifesting possible for me and would also explain why ppl reflect me own thoughts and fears.
This article however seems stripped of any sign of Loa or Neville Goddard and is just what you find in every basic psychology book. That every person experiences the world according to their own subjective thinking. That things happen and ppl act seperate from us but that our subjective mind sees the world and these experiences and actions slightly different than someone else. Because we all have our own background/history and personality which affects the way we view and react to things. So if say, someone comes across a rude person on the street, a confident person might see this person as having a bad day, while a person lacking in confidence might take it personally. However, regardless of each persons subjective view, if there is an objective reality we all live in, that means there is also an objective thruth as to why the person was rude in the first place. But with an objective reality, how is manifesting anything at all possible? If the only thing we have power over is the way we view things and how we react to things, how can we be an operant power? This is what I struggle with the most.
I personally come from a psychology background and the idea that we all have our subjective reality is obviously nothing new. But once you have learned/experienced manifesting and know about Neville Goddard and such, this whole subjective thinking alone no longer explains the possibilty of this. So I am wondering how you than explain the possibility of manifesting anything you want in an objective reality that we all share?
Kriston Jackson
December 14, 2020 at 6:40 AMHi Barbara, I don’t believe in an objective reality, and I state this quite early on in the article 🙂
January 4, 2024 at 6:19 PMHi, great article. I do wonder, though, whether Neville was saying there is nothing but his head set, which is really my headset, and there is, in reality, no “outer”. Serious scientists (e.g. Douglas Hoffman et. al.) are staring to get serious about this.
May 3, 2024 at 12:18 PMIf everyone is you pushed out, why are you assuming that Neville was “objectively real” ? Just like the rest of the world, he may be just a story in your mind, a teaching material you have created to inform yourself, the same way I am reading and commenting here just to inform myself and clarify my own views. If that’s the case, what does it matter what Neville did or what he (supposedly) believed? He is just a character that you are aware of in your current moment.
“If Neville truly believed that no one existed outside of himself, he would not have lived a life of service in the first place.” – this is not a persuasive argument against solipsism. If everyone is you pushed out, perhaps Neville never really existed?