Everyone Is You Pushed Out / Faith & Persistence / Specific Person / Success Story

How I Manifested My Husband Back & Stopped a Divorce

I Got My Husband Back, Completely Stopped a Pending Divorce and I Am Experiencing a Marriage of Unparalleled Bliss Without Lifting a Finger!

Jesus looked at them and said,

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible”.

Matthew 19:26 (NIV)


English theologian and historian, Thomas Fuller, helped coin the phrase ‘the darkest hour is just before the dawn’. I, like many others within the I AM Love community, stumbled upon the teachings of Neville Goddard during an intense period of utter despair and sheer desperation. I’ll never forget that cool Spring afternoon in March of this year where I decided that I wanted OUT of this place of agonizing imprisonment and, if by some miracle, my marriage reconciled with the person who I’d considered my best friend and lover across many lifetimes – my husband.

Following a big argument that we’d had at the end of January (one of many tumultuous arguments had over the years) , I’d returned home from a weekend visit to see my family who lives out of town, to a half empty house. I’d manifested this beautiful home for our family just 5 months prior (unbeknownst of Neville’s teachings at the time) and within that 72 hour period of my absence, I came home to experience the fact that my husband had moved out, blocked all communication and, I learned on Valentine’s Day, that he had filed for divorce. I experienced a level of indescribable pain that left me feeling like one of the walking dead.

“Do not be embarrassed when I tell you that you are God. Instead, walk believing you are that important. You don’t have to become arrogant, but you must assume you are God. Think about it! Stop believing in God and start believing as God. Do this and the visions will come to confirm your assumption.”

Neville Goddard


Born into a family with deeply rooted traditional Christian beliefs, coupled with my rebellious inquisitive nature birthed by my teenaged self, I was exposed to and possess some knowledge of just about every prominent theology known to man. Unceasingly dissatisfied with the paradoxical feeling of being loved by God, yet unworthy and separate from this Divinity due to my “sinful” human nature, I radically abandoned the confine of religious dogma. I immersed myself in esoteric teachings and disciplines including but not limited to metaphysics, reiki, transcendental meditation, A Course in Miracles and, within the past decade, teachings based on the Law of Attraction. For several weeks, I clung to these teachings to help soothe my grievously ravished soul and I begged God to touch my husband’s heart and to fully restore my marriage and family.

In a period of unrest, I stumbled upon the teachings of Neville Goddard via the lovely Nicole’s article here on the I AM Love website entitled, “The Illusion of Separation and Loss – How to Heal Your Broken Heart” and this changed everything. I devoured Neville’s teachings continuously over several months and slowly, I began to live and to embody the essence of my True Self. As I’d written in a previous article here on the I AM Love website, for the first time in my life, I felt like a true master of my destiny rather than a slave to my circumstance.

For the first time in my life, I began to see myself as victor rather than victim. As Shepherd, rather than sheep. For the first time in my life, I understood that I’d created all of my experiences up until that very moment and, here’s the best part, that I and I ALONE have the power to change ALL of it! I and I ALONE have the power to revise any and every unlovely circumstance simply by imagining a different scene and / or telling a different story. I and I ALONE have the power to create an entirely new version of any person within this physical realm. I and I ALONE have the power to create the life that I truly desire – no matter the past, no matter the circumstance. Why? Because I and I ALONE am the operant power of my Universe and I and I ALONE hold the entire Universe within ME – animating it all with my conscious awareness or, as Neville says, my “own beautiful imagination”.

“Think feelingly only of the state that you desire to realize. Feeling the reality of the state sought and living and acting on that conviction is the way of all seeming miracles”.

Neville Goddard, Feeling is the Secret

I told myself that I AM the miracle that I seek and I began to live my life from a deep level of
“knowingness” that ALL things were always working in my favor. I reminded myself that I AM immune to any thoughts of limitation, lack, obstacles, issues, competition, fears and doubts because they are ALL illusions. I reminded myself that as the Goddess of my reality, I AM perfect love and “perfect love casteth out all fear” (1 John 4:18). Therefore, when those false beliefs arose within my waking consciousness, I sat lovingly with them and learned to surrender them to the Light and to the Love of my True Self. I learned to assert the supremacy of my imagination by boldly living my from the new assumptions of who I now had come to claim myself to be and I began to see miracles externalize in the mirror of my world of form. As I began to embody the essence of fulfillment, perfection and infinite gratitude in ALL things, I began to experience major reality shifts.

To name a few, I’ve manifested thousands of dollars from various sources, I’ve manifested opportunities for creative collaborative work, I’ve manifested numerous healings
and blessings for friends and family and, one that still leaves me awestruck, the complete
“disappearance” of dueling attorneys whose actions had previously left me terrified to face the day, much less open my email. Furthermore, I started to truly experience the sense of peace, safety and security within my own “Being-ness” as opposed to anything or anyone in the seemingly ‘outside’ world.


In the I AM Love podcast #3, “Dissolving Fears to Manifest Effortlessly”, Jennifer Ramdeo reminds listeners that time, as with fears and doubts, are illusions. I experienced the fact that as God, there is only the eternal NOW and that there is no such thing as time. Furthermore, as we continue to boldly assert the supremacy of our imagination over these illusions, we begin to live as that version of the person that we desire to be – thereby experiencing the fulfillment of all that we desire.

Jesus answered,

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

John 14:6 (NIV)

I read the above scripture often as it reminded me of the power of who I really am. My imagination is the ONLY reality and that which I give attention to by way of my mental conversations, imagery, feelings, thoughts and emotions IS the Way, it IS the Truth and I give it Life. Jennifer Ramdeo would remind me that there is NO lawyer in an office somewhere conspiring against me. That unlovely version of my husband was created by me and I have the power to manifest the version that I desire. There are NO others – there is ONLY ever me (my assumptions). I knew that once I’d made that initial declaration, I’d already entered into that reality where my desire existed in the eternal now. I simply continued to persist in the new story and lived from that new reality and soon, I begin to see my new self in the mirror of the external. I set the intention for things to manifest easily and effortless and that’s exactly what I experienced.

The communication from these lawyers, in this very active divorce case, came to a screeching halt. 8 weeks had gone by without a single word. Following that period, I had to make contact with my husband, as someone offered to purchase another home that we’d owned and I needed his signature on the paperwork. (IMPORTANT NOTE: I should mention here that this home wasn’t even for sale! I manifested the sale of this home in ‘as-is’ condition at the price that I desired). I’d lived so much in my new reality that I felt a little disoriented when I realized that he was actually behaving in the way that I felt that he would! I persisted in seeing the desired version of him rather than the old version that I’d perpetuated in the past. Within weeks, he confessed his unrelenting love for me and our family, begged for my forgiveness, stated that he did NOT want a divorce and asked if he could come back home. I’ve introduced him to the teachings of Neville Goddard and today, he too is learning to embrace the Truth of who he really is and together, we are experiencing a blissful union!

“Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool”.

Isaiah 1:18 (NIV)

In Neville’s 1963 lecture “You Can Forgive Sin”, the great mystic describes “sin” as missing the mark. Have you ever missed the mark on the same thing over and over again? I sure did and all of the misgivings, arguments and volatility evident over the course of my marriage has served as a prime example. The passage referenced above from the book of Isaiah as well as Neville’s teachings remind me that circumstances don’t matter. No matter how many times you think you’ve missed the mark, your decision to embody that which you desire allows your sins of scarlet to be as white as snow. Every nanosecond, you have the ability to experience a completely different reality of your own imaginings. If you say that there is opposition, competition, issues, etc., then that’s what you’ll experience. You are WHOLE, you are PERFECT and you are COMPLETE. You are both the desire itself as well as its fulfillment because You are source consciousness. Creation is finished and all that you desire desires you. Circumstances don’t matter because ALL that ever matters is your BEING-NESS. So, embody the first principle and “Be Still and Know that I AM God” Psalm 46:10 (NIV).


“Do you always turn to your imagination and, no matter what happens, do you remain faithful to the state imagined? If you do, you have passed the test. But if every little rumor, doubt, or fear can move you around like a pawn on a chessboard, then you are not keeping the faith! ”

Neville Goddard

Soul family, YOU are what you’ve been looking for all along. Make a decision today to STOP the searching – because you’re SO powerful, searching begets more searching. Make a decision today to STOP the questioning and imagine yourself having the clarity and the guidance that you desire for your journey. Make a decision today to embody the truth of who you really are and to STOP believing IN God but to believe and to live AS God. I AM Love, I Love YOU and there’s nothing that you can do about it!

About The Author

Marian is a new student to the teachings of Neville Goddard but a life-long seeker of the truth. As a
business executive, wife and mother, her life experiences allow her to relate to vast audiences. She now uses the Law in every aspect of her life and enjoys sharing the knowledge of its transformative power.


  • Kay
    October 23, 2020 at 10:43 PM

    Thank you. I am so grateful for this and exactly how you did it. I now understand how I manifested this and I am grateful for even though my circumstances differ completely this is what I was seeking and received. I’m overjoyed. Congratulations and Namaste. So grateful for I Am Love.

    • Marian
      November 16, 2020 at 9:25 AM

      Thank you Beautiful One! It’s always a joy to help remind us all to remember who we really are. I see you experiencing all that you desire. Namaste.

      • S
        June 12, 2024 at 10:54 PM

        Hi Marian ,
        I’m reading this in 2024.
        It gave me hope..
        I’m facing a similar situation and I’m terrified.
        I don’t have kids.
        I don’t want my husband to leave me.
        I’ve been manifesting for 10 months unsuccessfully.
        If you’re reading this…and feel an urge in your heart to help me, please reach out to me

  • Christine
    October 24, 2020 at 1:46 PM

    This is amazing <3 And proof that true love never goes away.

    • Christine
      November 5, 2020 at 2:16 PM

      I’m very impressed with how fast you adopted this way of approaching life. I would love to hear more about your journey 🙂

    • Marian
      November 16, 2020 at 9:28 AM

      Thank you Christine! You’re absolutely right – the appearance of loss on any level is a mere illusion as nothing is ever lost.

  • Hayley Minogue
    October 25, 2020 at 12:07 AM

    Holy moly! What a beautiful read!
    I enjoyed every second of that. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    • Marian
      November 16, 2020 at 1:10 PM

      Hi Haley! Thank you for your presence as well as your comment. I’m glad that you enjoyed the read. <3

  • Christiana
    October 25, 2020 at 9:32 AM

    Thank you so much!!! This is a wonderful post! ❤️

    • Marian
      November 16, 2020 at 1:13 PM

      Hi Christiana! Thank you so much for the feedback. May you continue to allow your light to shine.

  • Kellie
    October 25, 2020 at 12:04 PM

    Love this! It is all so much simpler than we make it in the beginning! Finally, after 2 years of being separated I am seeing a complete change in my husband. Because I have finally come to the understanding that you have so eloquently described in this beautiful article.

    • Marian
      November 16, 2020 at 3:10 PM

      Hi Kellie! Thank you so much for your share. It is indeed so simple and, in the beginning, I too made it very difficult. Now, after 6 years of marriage, I feel like I did when we first met! Furthermore, he COMPLETELY matches all of my assumptions about the new version of him that I desired to experience and I never had to utter a word. I’m imagining lovingly for you and your Love. <3

  • Chris
    October 25, 2020 at 2:05 PM

    It would be interesting to hear your husband version of this: when did he start to regret his decision and etc.

    • Marian
      November 16, 2020 at 3:21 PM

      Hi Chris. Thank you for reaching out. His perspective is quite interesting. He mentioned how I was the first thing on his mind when he got up and the last thing on his mind before he went to sleep. What I found profound about that comment was the fact that I’d scripted these very words in my journal – “I’m the first thing that he thinks about when he wakes up and the last thing that he thinks about before he goes to sleep”. (I’ve yet to mention to him that I manifested our reconciliation ?). Everything that he tells me he thought about, felt and experienced matches my mental conversations precisely.

      • DCT
        January 31, 2021 at 8:53 PM

        Hi Marian
        I have read your post multiple times and its truly amazing, what a wonderful story. I am on a journey with my SP and always wondered what they are going through and thinking about during this time. Although you have somewhat answered the question already above I thought it would be helpful if you could offer some guidance. I am at a place of only seeing the best version of him and having very positive mental inner conversations with myself and him. Although I am of course in the most perfect relationship in my desired reality this is not the case in 3D which is okay. What sort of things were you assuming about him before you two were reunited? I also assume he is always thinking of me, dreams about me and that everyday he grows madly in love with me and our relationship constantly flourishes. Am I on the right track or should I assume something more actionable if you know what I mean. I hope I have explained this well xxxx

      • Steve J Jacobson
        June 18, 2021 at 1:55 PM

        Wow, that’s amazing.

  • Kathy
    November 13, 2020 at 12:51 PM

    My one question is, “I learned to assert the supremacy of my imagination by bolding living my life… of who I now claim to be…” What did that look like for you? So you were assuming that you and your husband reconciled and you acted as if? Or you just acted confident? I’m going thru something awful and it feels very real (legal stuff and a break up at the same time) and I would love to learn from your experience and embody the same (my own version) confidence and knowing.

    • Marian
      December 8, 2020 at 4:01 PM

      Hi Kathy! As I look back on my experience, I made this far more complicated than it needed to be. As I became more familiar with experiencing myself as God, I started to see everything in my life shift to match my concept of self. I asserted the fact that my desires are from God and they are a PROMISE – therefore, this marriage, and everything else that I desire, is MINE. I asserted the fact that I am LOVE – therefore, there are no issues, no obstacles and no problems whatsoever – everything and everyone is always working FOR me. I began to embody the essence of infinite gratitude because for me, the beautiful life that I’d created was just so awe-inspiring, I simply wanted to give thanks.
      Kathy I see you whole, perfect, complete and richly blessed.

      • Agos
        February 15, 2022 at 1:20 AM

        Hi Ms Marian! Would you give me any advice on ignoring your circumstances and the best way to dissolve your fears and doubts?? That was such a great success story! but what i liked the most was your self concept! that is what everyone should be focusing on 🙂 Thanks in advance!! ♡

      • V
        June 28, 2022 at 8:22 AM

        Marian, Thank you so much for sharing, exactly what I needed. You have made everything click for me and the search ends here. And Kathy, thank you for asking those questions that were on my mind. Thank you so much. Thank you 🙏

  • Coral
    November 18, 2020 at 1:27 PM

    Fabulous story!! Congrats, so happy for you !? I would also like to hear more about how you got to the state of knowing? Through my understanding it is through the use of intentions, or affirmations? Is this what you did too?

    • Marian
      December 8, 2020 at 4:36 PM

      Hi Coral! I would say that I got into to a state of knowing first by setting my intention to be that version of myself that was 100% confident and one that KNEW that my imagination was the only reality. My logical mind wasn’t quite ready to accept that as fact in the beginning but every day, I told myself that my “true self” is always front and center and I began to look at all of my experiences through that lens. In a short while, I began to consider certain old concepts and beliefs as illusions and had adopted a completely different concept of self. As I embodied this confident concept of self, everything worked out so beautifully on it’s own.

  • Tiffany Weidman
    November 25, 2020 at 12:56 AM

    Thank you so much for your beautiful words. I finally understand and it feels so wonderful. I finally deeply understand that I don’t need to learn anything else or do any more techniques. I just AM. It’s absolutely mind blowing yet feels so natural. I love you so much and I’m so happy for you! I also love Jennifer and Kriston so much. I can’t tell you how much your words have helped me understand.

    • Marian
      December 8, 2020 at 4:40 PM

      Hi Tiffany! Thank you so much! I love you too! You’re absolutely right – you’re already a Master. I see you living the life of wildest dreams!

  • Thais
    November 29, 2020 at 6:18 AM

    Querida Mariana, que relato maravilhoso, obrigada por isso do fundo do meu coração!

    • Marian
      December 8, 2020 at 4:45 PM

      Obrigada, linda! Você é muito bem vindo!

  • lori
    December 8, 2020 at 2:24 PM

    Hi, I read your story and my story is very similar…I want to tell you that your are an inspiration. I m living in the end…My wife eliza has returned and all is healed. Now my job is to wait for the order to be filled. Thank you Lori

  • Marian
    December 8, 2020 at 4:54 PM

    Hi Lori! I’m thrilled to know that my story served as an inspiration for you. Live just as you would as the one who is happily married to your beautiful Eliza. Living in the end as that person does not require any “waiting” for anything on the outside. It’s already done! <3

  • Lauren
    December 13, 2020 at 3:27 PM

    The complete inner peace I felt after reading your beautifully written post felt so freeing yet calm. Thank you for sharing your story. I know that I have created all the unlovely versions AND lovely versions of the loved ones in my reality. I will be reading your post often as a reminder for myself to keep faith in living in the end of marriage with my person. I now know that I AM love and everything is perfect. Thank you!

    • Marian
      February 14, 2021 at 2:50 PM

      Hi Lauren! Happy Love Day to you. Thank you for your comment. I’m glad to hear that my article allowed you to experience the truth of that which is already within your beautiful Self. I’m imaging lovingly with you! I heard that your 10-year wedding anniversary trip was one that of the most memorable moments of your life! Feel free to share the pics with me! ?

  • Irene
    December 20, 2020 at 8:31 PM

    I’m looking forward to reading more of your work. As someone who has just started reading ACIM, this really resonated to me. Some things don’t reconcile so easily between NG and ACIM for me at the moment, but this one really clicked something in me. I hope you share more of your insights and stories soon!

    • Marian
      February 14, 2021 at 2:56 PM

      Hi Irene! Happy Love Day to you! Thank you for your comment. I still read ACIM however after shifting and understanding who I Really AM, my interpretation of the text is different now. I feel the same way as I read the Holy Bible, the Bhagavad Gita or any spiritual text – my “understanding” is richer, deeper and feels accelerated. Although I’ve studied these texts for decades, in many ways, I feel as if I’m reading for the first time. Thanks again for your comment. <3

  • Yeng
    January 3, 2021 at 3:52 PM

    Hi. May I ask if this concept is excluding the external God, The Kord Jesus Christ from the picture? Because all I read is that we are G-od, which is for me sounds blasphemous. I love the idea that we can manifest but I can never say I’m a G-od.

    • Marian
      February 14, 2021 at 9:05 PM

      Hi Yeng! Happy Love Day to you! Thank you for your comment. I can totally relate to your feelings about how saying “I AM God” seems sacrilegious or blasphemous. I felt the same way at first especially considering my religious upbringing. Neville’s teachings are centered around the “Perfect Law” – the Law of Assumption and that our imagination is what is out-pictured / experienced in our reality – not an external God. When I applied these teachings to my own life, particularly the challenges that presented themselves in my relationship, I couldn’t deny the fact that what I witnessed on my screen of space, reflected my inner conversations, beliefs and assumptions perfectly. John 14:12 says, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father”. This had always been one of my favorite scriptures yet I never took Jesus up on his offer until I applied this fact to that of my imagination and witnessed the results ?. If calling yourself “God” is triggering for you, find another word or phrase such as, “I AM the Operant Power”. I hope this helps.

      • Lia Hong
        September 10, 2021 at 2:02 AM

        I am Christian, but I definitely have my personal feelings about Christianity as a culture. There’s a lot to unpack there already. I like to describe it (manifestation in Christianity) as believing in God’s ability to work through oneself. Our individual consciousness and prayer (you can replace “prayer” with any technique really, this is just how I understand it) are direct pathways to God– the connection is ALWAYS there, it is just up to us to interpret our thoughts and decide our experiences with faith and conviction. When I do not serve anger and sadness and hate, I am letting God use me to experience blessings with unwavering peace and pleasant expectation. Mark 11:24 says, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” I’m still working with the concept of manifestation in Christianity, but I do interpret parts of the Bible quite literally. I believe an “external” God is what really connects us all internally (the idea of separation is just an illusion). We are ALL chosen by God. We are ALL already forgiven for our “sins.” The sooner that we can truly believe that we are deserving of that kind of unconditional love (whether someone believes that love is only coming from them, the Universe, whatever) the sooner we can use it to empower ourselves to persevere and live the lives we were meant to live. I thank God for this ability, but I do recognize my own strength. You can believe in yourself and believe in God at the same time. God wants us to believe! With God, I can achieve anything.

  • Hannah
    January 7, 2021 at 12:03 PM

    Hi Marian,

    Your articles are beautiful and after intending for clarity I randomly found them. You’ve helped so much, thank you ❤

    • Marian
      February 14, 2021 at 9:08 PM

      Hi Hannah! Thank you so much! I feel truly blessed to have played this role for you in your life’s beautiful unfoldment. I’m imagining lovingly for you.

  • Marian
    February 14, 2021 at 2:42 PM

    Hi DCT! As it’s Valentine’s Day here in the U.S., Happy Love Day to you! Thanks so much for your comments and I’m happy to hear that my experience has helped you. During my experience, I discovered the fact that focusing on my self-concept was most important. As Goddess of my reality, I truly embraced the fact that I am only ever “seeing” and “experiencing” a mere reflection of my consciousness through the ‘lens’ of my beliefs and assumptions. Therefore, I made it my business to drop those thoughts and beliefs that no longer served me. I told myself that I am loved, cherished, honored, supported, favored, promoted and adored by all – especially by my SP. As Goddess of my reality, I told myself that people think about me what I say that they think about me therefore, my SP thinks I’m AMAZING in every way. I truly fell in love with the truth that I really am. In this case, I told myself that “I AM Love” and as THE Source of this powerful, mighty presence, I consented to noticing it, to radiating it and to receiving it in every area of my life. I truly began to experience my Oneness with ALL as I started to understand that I AM ALL. I hope that this helps Beautiful One. I’m imagining lovingly for you <3.

  • Inaya
    February 20, 2021 at 5:47 AM

    This article is really really beautiful but I have a question that when you fully realised that you are the creator of your reality did you feel alone like no one else is actually real? And when writing this article, did you feel like you were writing this to just yourself? Sorry i am very confused about EIYPO

  • Agos
    February 15, 2022 at 1:32 AM

    Sorry i leave a comment in the wrong place 🙁 hahaha Hi, Miss Marian, would you give me any advice on how to ignore the circumstances and dissolve the fears and doubts?? What was the best way to see and identify yourself as God?? I find that this is the most important part in manifesting, could you please share any tips?? Thanks ♡

  • Heidi
    April 27, 2022 at 6:23 PM

    My husband divorced me and it was finalized at the end of February. He had an emotional affair before the divorce and is still with her. I just wanted to know at this point what can I do as “I am”. I have told him that I am patiently waiting for him to come back to his family. Am I just thinking about who I need him to be as my husband and manifesting that version that I desire? Thank you for any help.

  • Jennie
    June 5, 2022 at 12:03 AM

    Beautifully told 🙂 It sounds as though you made a decision on day yo finally accept who you were and lived every day that way from then on.
    I too recently had an epiphany (after reading one of Jennifer’s articles) that ots merely about ACCEPTING who you are..and that your whole reality is created from you, God. It was so powerful I cried. I made the leap of faith and titledbit in my journal Acceprance Day!
    Two days later though was a down day, for reasons I don’t understand other than I miss my love. Missingbhim is the hardest part. I still very deeply believe in our reunion but have these days of loneliness and missing his company.
    Did you have these iff days/hours/moments? How did you deal with them and how do you think they affect your manifestations?
    Thank you

  • Teresa
    August 19, 2022 at 10:22 PM

    I’m starting this process and I’m wondering… was this accomplished through visualizing only or affirmations or journaling? Or does it only matter that the subconscious mind is impressed? And thank you in advance for any help you can give.

  • Naina
    September 1, 2022 at 8:02 AM

    My husband initiated thr divorce process.Can you please share what techniques you used…like how you use to visualise, what affirmation you use to write,do you use to journal…if yes what you use to write? How many hours you use to give each day? Did you expected/set a date in your mind when you would attract your husband back?

    How long it took for your husband to come back to you? Can you share emal id please? I need your guidance and urgent help.

  • sylvia
    January 24, 2023 at 9:46 AM

    Hi, your story is very inspiring. My question: did you actually do a mental diet and listen to your inner conversations? And obviously you wrote stories, affirmed, visualized. Thank you for your answer.

  • Mamatha
    March 6, 2024 at 3:41 PM

    Hi how can i stop divorce from my husband? Can u please help me?


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