Parallel Realities / Podcast / Time

Reality Shifts & Experiencing Time Being An Illusion – Youtube Video

Hey guys!

In this video I discuss how to experience bigger reality shifts and time being an illusion. I will be doing multiple parts to this video, but this is definitely what I believe is the most important to get started. Since posting this video on Youtube, I have gotten many more questions to clarify things, and I will definitely address these in the second video!

View the video here:

View on Spotify

Thank you guys so much for your continued support- it truly means so much to me and everyone else on the IAL team. We love you so much <3 <3

About Author

Jennifer is a freelance writer currently working on her first fiction novel. Living in the labyrinth of New York City, she has learnt to use the Law in every aspect of her life to awaken the Godself within her. Her aim is to spread this beautiful knowledge to others so they may also find peace and love within.


  • Bhavna
    April 5, 2021 at 12:40 PM

    Listened to it. Loved it. I love you, Jen. You are making a difference in everyone’s life. 🙂

  • Jamna
    April 6, 2021 at 4:18 AM

    Is there a parallel reality where I’m married to my Sp if I can see it in my mind’s eye

    • kim~
      January 27, 2022 at 6:46 PM

      yes, if you can see it in your mind then you can have it in your reality <3


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