Awareness / Being Love

Manifestation Is Not Always Logical

Hey everyone! I know it has been a couple of months since I have posted any content and that is because I felt a deep inner calling to be more present with myself and do some deep, explorative reflection. One of my needs have been to take time away from social media and posting any content and to instead prioritize turning inwards and connecting with my inner Self. I have also been working towards other passions, goals and projects that I have. It has been quite refreshing and evolving for me in many ways and I hope to continue to share with you all my journey and insights!

Earlier this year I made the decision to end my three year relationship. It was something completely new, as it was something I never had the desire to do before. Usually, as it is with a lot of SP manifestations, there is a desire to shift something or to have a different outcome with a specific person, and that is what my past with relationships had looked like. If you have read/seen my previous content, you will know what I am referring to. However, this time it felt like the end of a chapter and I was comfortable with it. The desire was not to shift anything or anyone (I want to preface with this because I know people are going to ask), but to feel confident in my decision and that is what I deeply desired. I manifested that confidence and trust in myself and also realized that these types of manifestations are not spoken about a lot in the community- the desire to end something.

Of course, both desires are valid and we should always listen to that inner voice, and that is why this article is titled “Manifestation Is Not Always Logical”. The reason manifestation is not logical, and therefore not black and white, is because our true nature is not linear. There is not a lot of logic in manifestation and a lot of the times trying to force ourselves to understand all of the logistics as to why things happen, how they will etc., only creates more frustration and going around in circles. I have already accepted that there might be some things I might not fully understand with my conscious, logical mind. However, I do know that when I have spent a considerable amount of time deep within meditation, a lot of clarity has come to the surface through being in that stillness. And I still have an entire life (and beyond) to make more and more realizations.

You may think that understanding all of the technicalities as to why something manifests the way it does, what certain things mean and how it works will somehow help your manifestation. While that may be true to a certain degree, because it helps give us structure and clarity, there is a fine line between trying to understand every little detail, trying confirm what you believe in out of fear of it not being true, and turning inwards and surrendering to the unseen, the Truth. All of the knowledge and information that we’re seeking is always accessible within ourselves. However, it does take patience with all parts of ourselves to not only discern between the True Self and Ego Self, but to trust this unseen. If you can’t do that right now either, that’s perfectly fine.

Regardless, because manifestation is not linear, and neither is our True Self, there are infinite ways we can experience a manifestation and embody a state. My preferred way is to go back to the source- who I truly AM- and navigate life from this awareness. I find a lot of comfort in going within and “accessing” the feeling of who I truly am beyond my temporary human identity and listening to my true, inner voice- the feeling of being one with God. However, maybe for you, you like to do certain techniques (and I like to do those too when I feel called to it), or maybe you don’t like to do them at all. It really does not matter what you prefer as long as you keep this core principle in mind- you are already the desire, the desire is you. It already exists, not in a faraway land, but as an aspect of God because God is everywhere and is everything.

If this is the truth, and I have experienced many inner and outer confirmations of this, then why would there be one correct way to manifest? I like to see manifestation as meaning we are experiencing what already is, not willing something into existence through some kind of force or special skill. Giving into those illusions also negates the understanding that we have been manifesting our entire lives- whether it has been conscious or unconscious. The difference now is that we are expanding our knowledge on what the Truth is and realizing we are no longer a victim to our circumstances. This does not mean it will always be easy to accept this truth, or that we won’t sometimes feel like a victim.

As I have written in the last article, it is through these emotions and feelings that we come back home to our Truth. No matter what emotions we feel, they can’t take away from this Truth. They can only lead us further to the clarity that we have been seeking through disempowering means. This is the same for circumstances that on the surface may seem illogical or counterproductive because, remember, God has ways and means that we know not of. So, to try to force ourselves to understand God’s ways is to not trust in our True Self and our imagination.

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” – Isaiah 55:9


It is true that everything is completely neutral until we assign it meaning, but what that really means, in my opinion, is that we get to decide upon what we feel is that deeper meaning. This deeper meaning should align with who we choose to embody in this world. We’re all passengers here in this temporary human experience and that may actually feel freeing to some of you, as it reminds us that we do not have to take things as seriously as we are used to or feel like we are confined to what we think is the “norm”. Each time something illogical occurs on the surface, it is a call to trust your True Self, to trust God, to trust the infinite possibilities that already exist.

It can be tempting to your ego to view the circumstances as a confirmation of your insecurities or fears. However, an important point is to remember that nothing can shift as long as your reactions remain the same. And if those insecurities and fears are not the thoughts of your True Self, then what kind of power or truth do they hold? They may be the false truth of your ego, but they are not the truth of God. Manifestation, and truthfully the meaning of who we truly are, can seem illogical precisely for the reason that it pushes us to break through our illusory barriers. It is the ultimate form of trust, to trust in the unseen, but nevertheless a trust that can be deeply felt when we surrender.

Surrender and Trust

What does it actually mean to surrender? We often associate this term with giving up, such as the act of surrendering in a battle, or to give in and submit. Surrendering to our True Self is a bit different and that is why I follow it with “trust”- surrender and trust. To surrender to the unseen does not mean to give up or to give in. It is not an act of disempowerment, it is an act of empowerment. It can feel really difficult to surrender if your trust has been “wounded” in the past for various reasons.

If this has been the case, surrender can feel like accepting things as they are with no opportunity for change, having no control over how your life goes and whether you can experience your heart’s desires. When we follow it with trust, however, we’re being called to trust that we actually don’t need to control, force or micromanage anything to experience our desires, to experience peace and ease. It is a call towards remembering that feeling difficult to trust and surrender is not who you truly are. It is to help you realize that underneath these different states is your True Self, always waiting for you to turn inwards and recognize what lies beyond this false sense of self.

To surrender is to give up the old self, the stories that keep you stuck in fear. It is to give up what no longer serves you and to trust that this does not leave you without anything, but reveals to you that you are actually everything. How you go about surrendering may not be logical either. There is not always a step-by-step, one time, process on how to surrender. It is a collection of your entire human experience. So, when you’re laying in bed and feeling upset with the circumstances, you’re on your path to surrender and trust. Now, what you’re actually surrendering and trusting in, in that moment is up to you. Are you surrendering to the illusion and trusting the false sense of self, or are you surrendering to your True Self and trusting God, your imagination, Source, the Divine etc.?

Surrender does not have any specific emotion or feeling attached to it- it simply is. There will be many things that will arise as you surrender more to your Truth, all of them equally valid. What’s important is to not try to control or micromanage what arises- inwardly or outwardly- rather gently lean into trust. Trust that what is arising is also God or consciousness, because God is everything, and surrender to all of it. Let it exist and remember that while you may have no idea how this plays a role in experiencing your desires, it really does, it has no choice but to. Make this awareness the one that makes the most logical sense from hereon forth.


I will be making a seperate post when I have 100% confirmed this, but I wanted to inform everyone that there is a high likelihood I will be creating an entirely new website either at the end of this year or the beginning of 2025. Therefore, the I AM Love website will be closed. However, don’t worry, I am still planning on making similar content on my new website with a whole new rebrand! Not every article will be transferred, as this decision is also based on me wanting a fresh start with updated and fresh content. With that being said, if there are any articles on the website that you would like to read and refer back to, I would highly recommend saving them before they are removed. I am very much looking forward to a new website and rebrand after having been a part of I AM Love, and loving and cherishing every minute of it, for more than 5 years now.

I appreciate all of you so much for supporting and still being here!

About Author

Jennifer is a freelance writer currently working on her first fiction novel. Living in the labyrinth of New York City, she has learnt to use the Law in every aspect of her life to awaken the Godself within her. Her aim is to spread this beautiful knowledge to others so they may also find peace and love within.


  • E
    October 4, 2024 at 12:47 PM

    Thank you for being real in this post! I have found myself in the same situation; instead of wanting to “change the current sp” my inner self has been telling me she’s ready for something new. I have been postponing the decision to break up mainly because I thought there was something wrong with it, I thought that I should want to change my beliefs regarding my current partner, so that I could experience fulfillment with him, but that’s not what I REALLY want. I love my partner, but my true desire is to embark on a new journey. Thank you for sharing all of this, it solidified me in my decision to trust my inner self!

    • Jennifer Ramdeo
      October 4, 2024 at 1:58 PM

      I’m so glad to hear that this article helped you! And that’s amazing you’re taking this leap of faith and trusting your inner self. Thank you for reading and supporting❤️

  • seren
    October 5, 2024 at 10:58 PM

    Hi Jen, I really do love your articles and your way of writing, but what if I’m falling out of manifesting? I am slowly becoming devoted to astrology (Hellenistic mixed with modern) & its traditional teachings of fate. Manifesting has never really brought me anything lovely, and it just doesn’t feel like a journey worth doing, In the community, there are more failures than successes, and there are a lot of liars out there. I have noticed astrology correlating with reality really well more than I have seen success with manifesting (and I have been into manifesting since 2018), Maybe it was just “my assumptions about astrology” that made it happen, but I never had to work for those “assumptions”, I never decided to stop believing in manifesting, I didn’t want to. After I quit manifesting, I remember being in my room randomly feeling the most peace I have ever felt in my whole life. I felt so light and appreciative of the world outside my window.

  • Steve
    October 10, 2024 at 2:39 PM

    H Jennifer, thank you so much for all your insights over the last 5 years on the site. You are amazing and glad you are creating a new website to continue on your journey and provide inspiring helpful content.

    Thank you

  • Nea
    October 12, 2024 at 6:27 AM

    Hi Jen,
    thank you for being real and following your beautiful heart!
    A new website, a new journey? How exciting!
    I want to let you know I’ll always support you,
    and that you taught me a lot!

    Thank you & big hug,
    ~ Nea


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