The question as to whether it’s okay to take action when manifesting is something I get asked a lot by clients and supporters. Another question follows as I reflect upon this- who do you want to be in this human experience, and do your actions align with this embodiment? You should be reflecting upon this question when you feel confused about whether to take action or not or what the right action is for you. Some actions keep us in disempowering states and perpetuate old stories and patterns. Other actions empower and help us embody ideal states of being, breaking old patterns and bringing us closer to our True Self.
Empowering and Disempowering Actions
In general, disempowering actions do not resonate and align with who we want to embody and, therefore, with our desires. These kinds of actions usually feel forced and keep us in an unlovely state of being, such as that of urgency. They usually don’t feel natural or like they come from the awareness of our True Nature. Making this discernment requires self-awareness and a willingness to step out of our uncomfortably comfortable state. The intention behind taking an action is also important to reflect upon.
While it is true that disempowering actions are not where we predominantly want to act, it’s important not to micromanage ourselves, either. It’s not about perpetuating the illusion of perfection or trying to control ourselves from fear, but recognizing the truth of who we are, the awareness of God, as much as we can. God exists in every moment, and every circumstance, and our job is to make that awareness what we come back to. Our True Self recognizes that perfectionism is an illusion and comes from a false sense of control. So, it’s okay to have moments where we do happen to take disempowering actions. It’s all a part of this human experience, and it won’t “cancel” anything.
It’s also not a good idea to assume you’ve gone backward just because of a few moments. We’ve been so conditioned to automatically assume the worst-case scenarios and berate ourselves that it may seem like these few moments have the power to undo everything. Of course, this is furthest from the truth. It is important to take actions that feel more natural and authentic, but what’s equally as important is who you are afterward, too. What do you assume afterward? What do you come back to? Moreso, who do you come back to, the false sense of self or your True Self?
How Your State of Being Affects Your Actions
Our state takes the lead in everything. As long as we are in this human experience, we will always embody a state. Even a strong awareness of God and the felt experience of that is a state, just as the state of having no awareness of God and your True Self is also a state. Your actions come from your state of being, but you don’t embody just one single state. We embody multiple different states all of the time.
“The purpose of true metaphysics is to bring about a rebirth or radical psychological change in the individual. Such a change cannot take place until the individual first discovers the self that he would change. This discovery can be made only through an uncritical observation of his reactions to life. The sum total of these reactions defines the individual’s state of consciousness, and it is the individual’s state of consciousness that attracts the situations and circumstances of his life.” -Neville Goddard
Have you ever felt compelled to take a certain action even though you knew it was probably not the best thing for yourself? This is not because there is something wrong with you, but rather, you need a change in your state of consciousness. Our actions are a byproduct of a certain state we are in because our reactions to life, including the actions we take, are great insights into our inner world. Therefore, it is much more effective to shift your state rather than micromanage every action you take.
Of course, it is important to be mindful and “uncritically observe” your actions and reactions, but you don’t need to fear yourself either. I have found that deliberately and intentionally going within to connect to the awareness of God every day has helped me to naturally shift other states as well. This is more of a lifestyle change, a new way of seeing life, others, and ourselves, rather than a means to an end. If this begins to feel like a chore to you, then it’s probably a good idea to reflect upon which state is leading.
Micromanaging your actions and being passive about your state will create some shifts, but they will most likely be fleeting and short-lived. If you’re ever confused about which state you are embodying, reflect upon your predominant reactions not just to the circumstances but to yourself as well. A lot of people tend to overcomplicate what it means to shift a state, not realizing that overcomplicating it in the first place is also coming from a certain state! Why do you feel the need to overcomplicate and control yourself from a place of fear?
Going straight to the source and connecting to the awareness of God should naturally help you to see through many of the illusions you’ve accepted. It’s more than okay, and even recommended at times, to reflect upon the root of certain states. However, it is not a necessity, at least from my experience, to always do this. It can even be counterproductive and sometimes enables black-and-white thinking and a myriad of other disempowering beliefs. Everything can be traced back to a lack of awareness of God.
Inner Actions Are Valid Actions Too
When we think of actions, most people will think of this in terms of physical actions. The kind of action that requires a more logical and linear way of thinking. You may think you need to reflect upon what is the best or most correct path to experiencing your desire. Usually, these are the “outer actions” where you look out into the world, judge from the circumstances, draw assumptions about them, and then decide what you should do. It’s how we have been taught to be and the actions that we’re most familiar with.
However, what if our “inner actions” were also valid? Inner actions, as I like to call them, are the attention and focus we put on our inner world and what we do within. It’s how frequently we’re mindful of what we think, what we’re assuming, how we’re reacting, etc. It’s also being conscious of what we’re imagining, our inner self-talk, and how we connect to the Truth. Anything that requires you to focus inward, rather than just outward, is what I would call an “inner action”.
Our internal world is extremely important as it is the source of everything and where all stems from. It is where we go to connect to God and come back to our Truth, to feel this oneness. I would say this is much more important than focusing solely on our outer actions, especially if our outer actions are being driven by what we focus on within. What you do within is not just you sitting around and doing nothing, it’s where all the shifts and transformations come from.
Our natural inclination is to assume a natural set of actions have to take place in order for specific desires to manifest, but remember, “my ways are higher than your ways” (Isaiah 55:9). You don’t need to take any specific action to experience your desires and things can manifest in amazing and unfathomable ways! It doesn’t matter how hopeless things look on the outside or what others are saying. If there is a desire, then the way already exists.
“Before you call you are answered, for the supply precedes the demand.”
– Florence Scovel Shinn
There is nothing wrong with taking outer actions, but we shouldn’t do so blindly or without any self-awareness. And we must always remember that true change first comes from within and without this first, the outer world will remain inconsistent. When you find yourself judging from the worldly appearances, come back home within and remember that God is everywhere, in all things and circumstances, waiting for you to see through the illusory veil.
Website Announcments:
The I AM Love website will be closing at the beginning of February, but don’t worry I am currently working on a new website!
Not all of the articles on this website will be transferred, so please save the articles you like before they are taken down.
In the meantime, I will still be posting here and on the Instagram here:
If you are interested in coaching, I am still currently doing coaching sessions and will continue to do so as I transfer over to the new website as well. You can book a coaching session here if you are interested in us working together, practicing meditations together, going within and delving into your current state of being and what might be blocking you, as well as connecting to your True Self and coming up with a routine to help you to manifest your desires and shift your self concept!
Book a coaching session here: Click Here
Thank you all so much for being here and supporting, it means so much to me!
January 5, 2025 at 3:14 PMThank you for this beautiful article and addressing one of the main, if not the biggest one of human conditioning. You helped me so much to reframe what taking action means to me and to release a lot of stress around that. Your beautiful blogpost helped me to further integrate this — I am (and our I AM is) so glad that we‘ve met and girl, I‘m sure I‘ll be a supporter as long as I am playing Nea and beyond this lifetime. This sweetness had to leave me and I‘m not holding back, hehe.
Love, Nea ~
Jennifer Ramdeo
January 6, 2025 at 1:54 PMAww this was so sweet! I truly appreciate you so much Nea! I’m so glad I’ve met you as well and that we were able to connect on this journey <3