Reader Submissions / Remembering Who You Really Are / Self-Concept Because I AM God I love words, and especially the power they have to transform conversations. Whether the conversation is within ourselves… by Esther Isaiah April 29, 2020
Physical World & Illusions / Reader Submissions Perceiving Reality It is often wondered why we continue to react to circumstances, or continue to be victimized even after… by Manisha Sharma February 21, 2020
Letting Go / Living In The End / Reader Submissions What I Understand About Letting Go I’ve read all of Neville’s books to the best of my knowledge, and I don’t think there are… by Vishal Nair November 26, 2019
Faith & Persistence / Mental Diet Proof, right now, you can have what you want instantly Part of knowing who you really are is knowing you are creating every circumstance you come across. So,… by Toyin September 9, 2019